HELLO@STENUNGSBADEN.SE | N58° 0,3 N - 11° 48,5 E.

Sport & Workouts

Stenungsbaden – World-Class Training

At Stenungsbaden, we take pride in offering our guests top-quality training led by a professional team of internationally and nationally certified personal trainers, yoga instructors, and group fitness leaders. With extensive experience and strong expertise, our trainers always put you at the center of every session.

Whether you’re here for a conference, as a member, or on vacation, you’ll leave each workout feeling energized and with a smile on your face. For us, training is more than just a session – it’s an experience. Enjoy every moment, from warm-ups to cool-downs, with the added pleasure of coffee, sauna, cold baths, and great company.

Welcome to the Stenungsbaden training experience!


Our Yoga Retreat gives you a weekend filled with yoga, meditation and spa. Perfect for finding new energy!

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Do you want to develop and increase your knowledge in yoga?
Want to try something completely new?

Priscilla Leite is an internationally certified yoga instructor within several schools. She is an expert in meditation, mindfulness, breathing exercises and balancing energy levels through physical yoga.

1 hour SEK 875
1-8 people

Kontakta oss
Our personal trainers & instructors

The contrast between heat and cold often gives a kick, it triggers a lot of hormones that increase our well-being and create a euphoric feeling.

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Hotel guest and spa guest have free entrance to our gym and our workout sessions. Boende och spagäster har fri entré till gym och träningspass.
Card for 10 workouts: 1250 SEK
Gym: 120 SEK
Group training: 180 SEK
Obstacle course: 80 SEK

Book a workout session

Weeks 11-15

08:00-08:45 – Aqua Medium Intensity (Boel)
09:00-09:50 – Aqua for Rheumatics (Boel)
11:00-12:00 – Gentle Yoga (Priscilla)
18:30-19:30 – Zumba (Charlotte)
19:45-20:45 – Yoga: Breathing & Stretch Focus (Emma)

09:00-10:00 – Zumba (odd weeks) (Charlotte)
09:15-10:05 – Aqua Zumba (even weeks) (Ingegerd)
16:30-17:00 – Aqua (Jeanette)
17:15-18:00 – Low Impact Tabata (Jeanette)
18:30-19:30 – Circuit Training (Jeanette)
19:45-20:00 – Sauna Ritual with Instructor

08:00-08:45 – PT Group: Gym Circuit (Felicia)
09:00-09:50 – Aqua (Maria)
18:15-19:30 – Restorative Yoga (Priscilla)

09:00-10:00 – Senior Fitness (Maria)
18:10-19:10 – High Impact (Linda)
19:15-20:45 – Yoga: Vinyasa/Flow (Susanne)

07:30-08:20 – Gym (Jeanette)
08:30-09:15 – Senior Gym (Jeanette)
09:30-10:00 – Aqua Tabata (Jeanette)
10:15-10:30 – Stretch & Relax in Sauna (Jeanette)

08:30-09:30 – Yoga – Hatha Flow (even weeks) (Priscilla)

10:00-11:00 – Stations Training (Jeanette)
11:15-11:45 – Aqua (Jeanette)
12:00-12:15 – Sauna Ritual with Instructor
17:00-17:45 – Detox Sauna (even weeks) (Priscilla)